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This City Called Imphal

                It’s been such a long time since I last typed. It is as if the comfort of the room is not enough to write here – it requires the winter to invade my skin, the midnight gibbous moon to show me the words – for me to hit the keyboard with eyes closed, like a pianist’s fingers dancing. Anyway, there cannot be a better time to reflect than the New Year’s Day. Life has been such that every post on the blog has a feel of “everything has changed so much”. This post comes at a time of another big shift – I have moved to Imphal for my district training. This is the first touch with the field and the first instance of application of theory. It has been almost three weeks and the name “Imphal” has slowly started to sound familiar. This post is only about the first few meters in this miles-long journey. A Change of Home Moving to a new place can never be a good experience. Here is something that I wrote during one of the boring lectures r...
Recent posts

How's It Goin?

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The Myth of the Soldier

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How's It Goin?

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City Lights

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When We Fought

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